KinVi 3D: a Kinect-Enabled Virtual Interface Gadget for Windows Control This is a new version (v1.0 Beta) of KinVi, a Kinect-enabled virtual interface gadget for windows control. It now comes with a scene editor to customize the virtual rooms and buttons. Download Instructions jwplayer(“jwplayer-5″).setup({flashplayer: “http:
Installation - simple-openni - How to install. - OpenNI library for Processing - Google Project Host Introduction Before you can use SimpleOpenNI you have to install Processing and OpenNI. Processing Installation Windows Installation OSX Installation Linux Installation Processing Download Processing >= 2.0 for your platform and install it Go to the menu
Kinect開發教程一:OpenNI的安裝與開發環境配置 - Chenxin-小斤的專欄 - 博客頻道 - CSDN.NET 最新評論 Kinect開發教程一:OpenNI的安裝與開發環境配置 lxk7280: OpenNI Nite SensorKinect這三個安裝包,版本一直不匹配.希朢您能將您的安裝報發... Kinect開發教程二:OpenNI讀取深度圖像與彩色圖像並顯示
World of Warcraft with Microsoft Kinect using FAAST and OpenNI - YouTube We are developing the Flexible Action and Articulated Skeleton Toolkit (FAAST), which is middleware to facilitate integration of full-body control with games and VR applications. FAAST currently supports the PrimeSensor and the Microsoft Kinect using the
OpenCV學習筆記(20)Kinect + OpenNI + OpenCV + OpenGL 組合體驗 - 晨宇思遠 - 博客頻道 - CSDN.NET 前幾天剛入手了期待已久的 Kinect ,用於實驗室機器人項目的視覺導航與環境理解。 首先要做的是破解-->連接PC-->獲取深度數據和圖像數據-->三維點雲顯示 這麼幾項基本工作。 開始徬照的是 飲水思源 博客的方法(使用VS2008在windows平台上試用Kinect ...
PCL/OpenNI tutorial 1: Installing and testing - Robótica - ULE Installing the software There is more than one way to get your Kinect working on your PC, and start developing applications for it: Kinect for Windows SDK: released on June 16, 2011 as a non-commercial SDK intended for application development. Version 1.8
OpenNI 2.x 教學文章| Heresy's Space 針對OpenNI 2 對於Kinect for Xbox 360 / Kinect for Windows 感應器的支援性,做 一些說明。另外也有補強版的驅動程式模組,可以用來替換本來的版本。
OpenNI 1.x 教學文章| Heresy's Space OpenNI 和Kinect 相關文章的總目錄,請參考《OpenNI / Kinect 相關文章目錄》。 ... 介紹怎樣透過OpenNI 在Windows 的PC 上安裝Kinect 來使用,同時也介紹怎樣 ...
How to Install OpenNI 2.2 + Nite 2.2 + Kinect SDK 1.8 + windows 7 ... 2013年1月14日 - 3 分鐘 - 上傳者:Yeouf Tan Guideline How to Install OpenNI 2.0 + Nite 2.0 + Kinect SDK 1.8 + windows 7 32/ 64 bit ...
OpenNI 2 Downloads and Documentation | The Structure Sensor 5 May 2014 ... In order to keep doing that, we've created this OpenNI resource page ... zipped; OpenNI Beta (x64) 8.2mb, zipped; Includes Windows driver. ... to use OpenNI with ASUS Xtion, PrimeSense Carmine, Microsoft Kinect ...